makeup monday

#TeaTimeWithTina: Photoshoot Makeup Tutorial

Hello Bellas,

Whenever I go to a photoshoot or film set, people ask me who did my makeup. The answer is: me! A year ago I would looked like a 2-year-old who got her hands on a kids makeup set full of child-safe wax lipstick and blush. Now, I look my age and am always photo-ready. Its so important whether you are a model, actor or going out to look your best since our society today is driven by image-focused social media like IG or FB. I’m talking about just enhancing your normal features, not making you look like a stranger (I’ll save that for another time). So, whether you are on screen or behind it watching embarrassing family videos at your Grandma’s 80th, you want to be ready for pictures (you really think your Uncle who just bought a Canon and now thinks hes a professional photographer is NOT going to take photos then you are mistaken). Be ready with this simple makeup tutorial with affordable drug-store makeup tips.

If you are not into makeup and look/feel fabulous without it, MORE POWER TO YA!! But not knowing how to properly apply your makeup is no excuse after you watch my video!! I call this “headshot makeup”.



Tina Bell